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Say The Word:: A Retreat

For Release & Invitation




December 3, 2023

12:00 - 4:00 pm Eastern Standard Time

 This is a virtual retreat & will take place entirely via Zoom


A SAY THE WORD: A Retreat For Release & Invitation

What do you need to release from 2023?

What do you want to invite into 2024?

Let’s spend half a day Letting Go OF WHAT NEEDS To BE Released From This YEAR and Intentionally inviting in what we want In The Coming YEAR.

This is How We creatE the liVES we want for ourselves.

We’re going to…

  • Talk about:

    • what worked and what didn’t in 2023

    • what we need to let go and how to release it

    • what we want to invite into our lives in 2024 and how to cultivate it

  • Do some gentle centering and mindfulness practices

    • we’ll do some short practices intended to help you ground and be present for our time together

    • we’ll discuss ways to adapt the practices for use in our real day-to-day lives

  • Use the “Say the Word” method to put these ideas into a tangible form to work with

    • this is at the heart of the work we’ll do together

    • we’ll use my “Say the Word” method to reach deeper and get more out of our journaling

    • we’ll use this method to create language to name our experiences and identify our next steps


Frequently Asked Questions

Whoa. Four hours? Will we get a break?

Yes! Of course! There will be a 30 minute break smack in the middle of the retreat. I encourage you to eat something, move your body, get outside if possible, and give yourself a minute to let the first session marinate a bit. I advise holding that time as part of your retreat experience, continuing to care for yourself and embrace the spirit of why you chose to participate in the first place.

I already keep a journal, so why would I do this?

Yay! I (obviously) think that journaling is a practice that can serve our lives and our dreams in infinite ways. So I love that you’re already doing that!

This retreat is aimed at inquiring into specific questions and ideas and my Say The Word method is likely different from your regular journaling practice. So. This could be a lovely compliment to what you’re already doing or potentially bring a new dimension to your existing practice. But you don’t need to have ever journaled in your life to still get something out of this.

As always, I simply ask that you come with an open mind and a willingness to try a new way of doing things!

I’m not a writer, so this isn’t really for me, is it?

Yes, it is absolutely for you!!

This is not a writing workshop. You will not be asked to share your writing and there will be no critiques. The writing you do in this retreat is solely for you, and you alone. This retreat will give you an opportunity to see and process your own thoughts and experiences and feelings through the use of the page.

The writing here is simply the tool and the method to insight.

There will be opportunities for everyone who wishes to share some words or phrases that struck them as powerful or meaningful, but no one is ever required to share.

Is this some touchy-feely woo woo spiritual Meditation thing?

Well…sort of.

All people of all faiths (or none) are absolutely welcome here. I will not be teaching or talking about any particular spiritual practice, but there will opportunities for you to incorporate your personal belief system into what we do IF you so choose.

There will be some quiet time. Some time for reflection. For breathing. I will ask you to notice what things feel like in your body and to do some open-minded investigation of your thoughts and feelings. We will write. We will talk. We will allow plenty of space for what comes up.

If that feels touchy-feely and woo woo to you, then…yup!

But seriously, what will I get out of this for my money?

Like all things in life, you’ll get what you put into it.

This is an opportunity for you to hit the pause button for half a day. To intentionally choose to take a minute and reflect back on the year that’s closing and give some real consideration to what you’d like to embrace more of in the year to come.

And it’s an opportunity to do it in community with other people, which has a kind of magic and power that has to be experienced to be fully understood.

You’ll get four earmarked hours to dig into what needs digging into.

How far you choose to dig is up to you. How fully you choose to show up to those four hours is up to you.

I provide the space, the tools, the structure, the method. The rest? You guessed it— up to you.

 “I can shake off everything as I write; my sorrows disappear, my courage is reborn”

~Anne Frank~
