Some News & Updates

Here we are— the beginning of a brand new season.

I don’t know about you, but I am feeling on FIRE at the moment. 

Maybe it’s all this vitamin D pouring into my system on these long days, or maybe it’s the buzzy “school’s out” energy of all the kids riding past our house on their bikes, but I seem to be waking up just rip-roaring to go.

At least part of this feeling is that I’ve hit the tipping point with some massive transitions over here and I can feel the freight train of momentum pulling out of the station.

It’s thrilling on so many levels.

I’m in the final stages of my book coaching certification— a process that’s been two years in the making and has been one of the most exciting and fulfilling endeavors I’ve ever taken on. 

I’m building the foundational pieces of a new company (the LLC paperwork just got filed!), one focused on coaching writers who are ready to dig in and get to work on the books they’ve been carrying around for way too long.

I’m eyeballs deep in my own writing and finally getting a handful of pieces out into the world for publication.

It’s wildly exciting and— you guessed it— scary as hell.

As with any new endeavor, imposter syndrome comes out of nowhere and knocks me flat some days, and I have to climb back up to standing and dust myself off and repeat my mantra for these moments:

I do not have to be “perfect" to be helpful and make a difference.

I also keep leaning into the truth that it’s not really about me at all.

It’s about the writers I get to support.

It’s about the stories they're bringing to life.

It’s about the greater belief that everyone has a story to tell and that creative work is the product of attention and practice and showing up.

And when I’ve got that imposter syndrome wrangled and under control, all the other random fears that like to swim around in our subconscious start popping up like some twisted game of whack-a-mole.

Everything from “what if no one hires me and I die penniless in a gutter somewhere” to “how the hell do I code custom fonts into the back-end of a new website”…it’s the whole gamut.

I mean, if we need proof of our own creativity, look no further than the myriad ways our fears can show up as we embark on something new.

But while those voices of fear are allowed to chatter away in the background, I prefer to go about my business and keep on truckin'.

The best way I’ve found to whack them as they pop up is to check off one more tiny step forward on the path that has me fired up.

I’m sharing all of this with you today for two reasons:

(1) Over the next couple of months, things are going to begin shifting and changing around here. 

This brand will increasingly be a place I share my own writing and authorial adventures. 

My coaching will be moving over to Mulberry & Range as I wrap up work with my current clients and continue to take on more writing clients.

I’d love to see you over in that space as it begins to take shape— be sure to head over and add your name to the email list!

In the meantime, I’ll be moving to more intermittent emails and posts here for the foreseeable future.

(2) Whether your own new season is solely this gorgeous summer season, or like me, you’re also entering a new season of life in some way, I wanted to send some big, sunny, energetic “vibes” your way!

Remember that we all have seasons of growth and seasons of rest, so embrace wherever YOU are right now. 

Look for the beauty in the mundane day-to-day— it’s everywhere right now just waiting for you to see it.

And if your fears are popping up like silly little moles in an arcade game, be sure to whack them with movement and action…nothing enormous is required, just scoot the needle a couple of millimeters and let that reinvigorate you. 

Tell me what you’re up to this season— I’d love to share a little of your sunshine, too!

ALSO…I owe you guys a travel essay on my Grand Canyon river trip and it’s coming, just as soon as I can find words that even come close to doing the enormity of the experience the smallest amount of justice. It was one of the top five experiences of my entire life (no exaggeration) and my heart is still broken wide open by all that the time there meant to me. I’ll include a few photos below…

Our team of amazing river guides…💛💛💛