The One-Question 1:1 Workshop

The One-Question 1:1 Workshop


Sometimes we need to dive into one issue and untangle it.

That process can be made much easier when we get the issue out of our heads and onto paper and into discussion with a neutral third party.

We see angles and opportunities we hadn’t noticed before. We see solutions where we thought there were none.

In the One-Question Workshop, we’ll dig into your issue with focus and purpose over the course of two 90-minute calls. Both calls will utilize my Say The Word method alongside our discussion to cut through the fluff and get into the heart of the matter. You’ll have homework between the calls (spaced at least 1 week, and no more than 1 month apart).

The workshop includes:

  • Two 90-minute live calls spaced a minimum of one week apart where we’ll use the Say The Word method to dive into a question you’re grappling with.

  • An abbreviated Getting Started questionnaire meant to home in on the specific issue at hand

  • Homework between calls intended to deepen your inquiry, facilitate action, and keep you accountable

**PLEASE NOTE: If you are in a mental health crisis, please, please seek the help of a licensed mental health professional. Life coaching is not a substitute for acute care.

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