Actually Believing


So I was scrolling through my phone this morning in an attempt to not fall back asleep after turning off my alarm while simultaneously also avoiding actually just getting out of my ridiculously comfortable bed (stop judging me!)

I had an email notification for one of those “time hop” things from one of the social media platforms and it ended up being tied to this little video of us pulling away from our sweet rental house in Maine to embark on our life on the road in Kippee:


Aside: how was that more than four years ago? Whaaaat???

Anywhoo. It got me thinking. About the places we’ve lived over these years. About what it meant to live and work in 82 square feet. About the constantly shifting and evolving way I define and perceive the idea of home.

And it got me thinking about the nature of embracing risk and change in our lives.

Because here’s the thing: we often know we can do something, but we don’t really believe it.

There’s a difference, right?

We start a business feeling sure that we’re capable, knowing that we have something to offer the world, knowing that we’ve got what it takes, yet some part of us is still absolutely shocked when that first customer makes a purchase. 

We know as we create something new, whether it’s a piece of art or way to solve a problem or even a whole new life for ourselves, that we have everything we need inside of us to make it happen, and yet we still pause when the little voice in the back of our heads whispers, well, but do we really?

Yes. Yes, we do.

We have within us the power and capability to survive our losses and our mistakes. 

We have within us the talent and the wisdom to move forward.

We have within us the resiliency and compassion and daring to create the life and work and existence that has been whispering at the edges of our consciousness for so long that we think it has to stay there, over on the edges, instead of coming forward to be fully realized.

And somewhere inside us, we know it.

We know that we are capable.

The problem is that we don’t believe it.

Someone asks us what our “dream scenario” would look like or where we hope to be in 5 years or we even go “full woo-woo” and make ourselves a vision board to hang up where we can see it.

We talk about the location, the partner, the career, the body, the life that we’ll have. We describe them using the present tense and we chant them as daily affirmations.

But all the while, we’re also putting up a little glass wall around them and a part of us stays outside that wall, saying with a smug and knowing smile, “Yeah…we’ve heard this before. Keep dreaming, sister. That life is for people who (fill in the blank here: have Ivy League educations, were born beautiful, have more discipline than me, are ‘creative,’ have natural talent, or— the real ass-kicker— DESERVE it).” Ouch.

So how do we break down that glass wall we’ve erected for ourselves and get to that life we can see on the other side?

How do we actually believe, down to our very bones, what we know we hold within us?

We show up and we practice. 
We show up and we practice.
We show up and we practice.

Over and over and over. 

Using every tool in the arsenal, customized to fit the grip of our own hands.

What does that look like for you? What do you know you’re capable of, what dream are you looking at on the other side of your own glass wall? 

I want you to call and talk to me about it.

I’m 100% serious. Let’s talk about it— you and me. Schedule a call.

These calls aren’t sales pitches. No strings here. 

They are a free resource that I want you to step up and avail yourself of.

They are a first step in knocking down that wall, of believing what you already know to be true.

You know what happens if you don’t give it a whirl?


Nothing happens.

Nothing changes. Nothing shifts. Nothing moves.

Is that really what you want?

Stay curious out there, my friend.