The Right Questions


Have you seen His Dark Materials on HBO?

The first season was our most recent binge watch and it's super fun (wishing I'd realized it was a book series before we started, though...I have rules about seeing film adaptations before reading the books!).

It's got all of my favorite things: a scrappy heroine, cute talking animals, plenty of action, rebels with a cause, and imaginative fantasy elements like multiple dimensions and , you know, armored polar bears.

There's a scene where Lyra (our scrappy heroine) is trying to learn what she needs to in order to move forward and she's asking a reluctant gatekeeper questions.

She pauses after a bit, tilts her head, and asks him, "What question should I be asking you that I haven't?"

At which point, he tells her the piece of information that really matters.

I love this.

Sometimes we can get a little case of tunnel vision in our lives.

We can forget to step back and make sure the ladder we're working so hard to climb is even leaning against the right building.

It's worth pausing, stepping back, and asking ourselves, "What questions should I be asking here that I'm not?"

That's what I have for you today— I'm keeping it short and sweet.

Take a few minutes here and there today or over the course of this week to ask yourself, "What questions should I be asking here that I'm not?"

What else do you need to know beyond the obvious, first blush questions?

Curiosity isn't just about asking a lot of questions, but asking the right ones.