Don't Let One Become Two

So I went for a run yesterday. 

It was my first “real” run since December-ish, shortly after starting radiation. The first time I really committed to not giving in to the urge to walk until I’d made it far past my “comfort zone.”

It was really hard.

Everything hurt: my bones, my joints, my muscles, my lungs.

Most of all, my pride.

That run served me up a big, fat slice of humble pie.

Here’s the thing— that’s what starting usually looks like.

There’s no muscle memory to carry us through, no established rhythms that are familiar and comforting.

The process of creating new habits and new patterns is really hard.

We forget or we give in to the urge for comfort and blow them off or we do everything possible to procrastinate the discomfort and end up running out the clock on the day.

We’re human.

We won’t be perfect.

That’s okay.

But there’s one “rule" I’ve come to live by when it comes to showing up for the work that matters to me in my life.

Whether it’s exercise or working on my novel or getting out of bed on time or showing up for my meditation practice…

Missing a day will happen sometimes— life happens and I’m human— but don’t let one day turn into two

That’s it. That’s my big “key to success”…not revolutionary, I know, but effective nonetheless.

Stay out of judgment (because self-flagellation is a gigantic waste of time and energy better spent elsewhere) by getting curious:

What happened that prevented me from keeping this commitment to myself?

How can I course correct for tomorrow?

Why does this matter to me?

Cultivating new habits takes commitment AND flexibility.

Beginning new things is friggin’ uncomfortable.

Sometimes self-care looks like rest and sometimes it looks like work. Embrace both.

Understand that some days will fall apart and important things will get missed.

Do everything possible to make sure one missed day doesn’t turn into two.

That’s what I’ve got for you today!

If you want to think about what habits you’d like to cultivate for the rest of this year, join us this weekend for the Say The Word® retreat on Saturday

I have 2 seats left and they really are magical, so gift yourself a few hours of quiet reflection mixed with invigorating discussion and walk away feeling inspired, clear, and ready to embrace the second half of 2021 more fully!

Oh- also…we have just 2 episodes left (!!!) in this first season of the podcast and I’ve started planning season 2 (which will begin July 3)— I’m gathering titles to talk about this next season and would love your recommendations

I’m also gathering more favorite quotes and how they’ve affected you, so please keep sending those as well! They're one of my very favorite features of the podcast. 

Stay curious out there, my friend.