

It was sometime circa 1986.

My family was gathered around the kitchen table and we were on our third (or seventh) take, trying to record a family message on the new answering machine.

It was one of the ones with the tiny tapes— remember those? (don’t answer that.)

We’d yell out our agreed upon greeting and then eagerly listen to the playback.

The words that came next were as inevitable as hearing Survivor on Casey Kasem on Sunday morning:

“Wait, do I really sound like that?”

Yes. Yes, you do, Mom.

Well, clearly I didn’t learn my lesson that day, because I am pleased as punch to tell you that I launched a podcast this week!

Whoop whoop!

The inaugural episode of The Say The Word Podcast is officially in the world and I would LOVE to hear your thoughts!

A new episode will release every Saturday morning, just in time for weekend dog walks and errand running!

I’m featuring stories of quotes or lines from books or poetry that have had meaning or impact in people’s lives and I would LOVE to feature YOURS leave a comment here or on the show notes and share one that’s been important to you!

In the world of algorithms and such, it makes a big ol’ difference if you take a minute to leave a review or a rating…can I beg and implore you to do so?

So…go give it a listen, let me know what you think, and tell me about a passage from something you’ve read that impacted your life…I can’t wait to hear from you.

P.S. Also, can I just tell you how incredible Saturday’s retreat was? Awesome. It was awesome. Next one’s May 22…mark your calendar and I’ll have more info for you soon!
