Posts in Lifestyle
Stop Talking

I glanced at my planner, open beside me on the table, and looked at what was next on my agenda for the morning. It read, “Run before it’s too hot- DON’T PROCRASTINATE!!!” I sighed. 

I don’t love running in the mornings- I just don’t tend to feel great, it interferes with my coffee habit, and mornings are when I’m sharpest and most energetic in my creative work. But there are a lot of good reasons to do it, not the least of which is that Tucson is regularly hitting the 90s by mid-afternoon now and running in that heat in the desert is a no-go for me. So if I wanted to run outside, it had to be now.

Cue the internal dialogue:

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Reality Check

We returned last night from a long weekend in Joshua Tree National Park. While there, we were admiring the many different homes-on-wheels that people had crafted for themselves, spanning the spectrum from shiny new Airstreams being pulled by luxury brand SUVs to rusted out jalopies with the passenger seat removed to make room for its occupant’s sleeping pad and bag. There were Sprinters housing climbing guides and college kids packed into their parents’ minivans and retirees in 40-foot RVs. There were full-timers and weekend warriors and every build out you can imagine. It was inspiring to say the least.

It also started a conversation about the parts of road life that almost never make it to social media or blog posts. I actually don’t think it’s because everyone is attempting to cultivate a “highlights reel” of perfection. I think it can feel really wrong to “complain” about the hard parts of road life when so many of the people doing it won’t hesitate to tell you that they feel like it is a huge privilege to be able to choose to live like this. And that’s the catch, right? This life is a choice and it is often a lifestyle for which sacrifices were made in order to make happen. So complaining about some of the “hardships” (which for the most part are more often actually just inconveniences) can feel a little whiny and gross.

But we should share them... 

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We drove late into the night, pushing across the Arizona border into Utah and imagining the wonders we passed in the dark. Time was growing short and the new contract’s start date meant we had fewer days than we’d planned to play in the in-between, fewer days to reacquaint ourselves with the western skies we’d been pining for these last months in New Hampshire. But we weren’t skipping Zion, by golly, even if it meant driving until late became early, and peering into blackness hoping for glimpses of the threatened desert landscapes we’d dreamed of immersing ourselves in for a few extra days....

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Parks Pass Giveaway!!
Training Ground
Desert Rains
A Fresh Start
Into the Desert
Clearing Off
Effort and Ease
2017 In Pictures
Marking Time
A Morning Walk